PHP library to easily create valid CSS

Read the API documentation

PHPCSS is a PHP library to easily create valid CSS. It is planned to support converting CSS selectors to XPath aswell as writing rules from stylesheets inline.


To install this library via Composer add the following to your composer.json and then run composer update:

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "hielsnoppe/phpcss": "master"


Given that you have the Composer autoloader in place, you can use PHPCSS as follows:

addDeclaration('color', new ColorValue('#00f'));

$body = new Ruleset('body');
$body->addDeclaration('background-color', new ColorValue('rgba(128, 255 , 0, 0.5)'));
$body->addDeclaration('padding-top', '10px');

